
Archive for February 20, 2012

Join us at the ‘Singles Club’

February 20, 2012 30 comments

Single hood is a precious stage in life, its a gift worth celebrating. For those desiring to cross over to marriage, this is a critical stage to meet people, interact and when time is ripe identify the suitable one to commit to.

In our modern  times owing to our engagements and the dying community spirit we often lack opportunities to interact with other single men and women for enriching moments.

After careful consideration and a year of writing and mentoring young people on love, relationships and marriage, my wife and I have resolved to start a Singles Club. This shall be a place where singles (both men and women) shall meet to enrich each other, interact and grow. It is a place to meet new friends, engage each other and have fun.

Those interested are requested to send an email to and lets engage in a life transforming journey

Join us and lets grow together….


Ladies, Claim your Space without Hitting him….

February 20, 2012 7 comments

Nyeri women have been on the spot in the recent past for ‘disciplining’ their errant men.

I have always heard that there are men who battered but never thought it could be as worse as what befell Simon Kiguta who was attacked by his wife with a panga last week.

Whereas husband batterers may be aggrieved, this course only leads to destruction. In most cases it results to dysfunctional marriages and divorce and to the worst you could end up in jail.

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